
Posts Tagged ‘postive’

When I woke up this morning the weight of the world felt a little (mild version) heavy.  I could feel myself starting a list in my head and the list was not positive, a lot of the things I was thinking were true, just not the entire truth.   The Bible and The Secret say the say thing, “where ever you put your thoughts, there you will go.   There are negative things that are true, I acknowledge them and I am working on them, BUT I want to focus on the positive things in my life.

So I caught myself early in the spiral and said, “No, there is more to the story, what is the other side?”

So here is the other side, these are things I know:

I am glad there is a God and Love greater than myself. 
I have a family that loves me (husband, children and extended family)
I have amazing friends
I love my job.  I love the people I work with every day.
I live in a country that it is encouraged to express yourself
I am a work in progress and I am moving forward (slower some days, but
     moving just the same)
My tastes have changed to healthier foods, I like oatmeal with pumpkin    
      now and not only is it healthy, it really taste good to me.  I am not
     saying I don’t like a good hot french fry, cuz I do, but healthy is better for
     99% of the time. Okay, maybe 85% is more accurate, I am just telling the
I have friends who keep pointing me towards healthier thinking and
Everyday that I laugh I feel better.
Everyday that I choose to be positive I feel better.
I love to exercise
I love to move
I love to take deep breaths and smell the Fall air.
I ran/walked five miles in the woods Sunday with 350 other people who
     wanted to be outside and trying to be healthier.  I had friends running
     with me and family cheering me on.  (that is the best thing ever!)
trail run  11-8-2009 022

Battle Creek Running Friends

I am still growing and moving.
It is a new day with new possibilities.
I like the positive truth way more than where I was headed first thing this
     morning.   My list could be longer, but I must run to work!
 Tell me something you know to be true and positive for you today.

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Really Ruthie?

Figuring life out one day at a time...


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