
Posts Tagged ‘planning’

A key for healthy eating for me is to plan my menu for the week.    Here is how it goes FOR ME:

1.  I look in the fridge and freezer and see what I have and need to use up.

2.   I pull the local adds and see what is on sale:

PUBLIX:  http://specials.publix.com/

KROGER:  http://www.kroger.com/Pages/default.aspx

ALDI:  http://www.aldifoods.com

WALMART:  http://www.walmart.com/

I am always looking for chicken and salmon on sale.  I usually buy my groceries Saturday and Sunday. 

3.  I look at last weeks menus and start the process. 

This week:

Sunday Night:  Homemade Vegetable Beef Soup (99 Calories per cup)  Recipe to follow on Tuesday!Best Veg Beef Soup 5-17 008

 Monday:  Grilled Chicken/Wild rice/spinach salad

Tuesday:  Chuck Roast/red potatoes/carrots

Wednesday:  Chicken Pasta

Thursday:  Salmon (Kroger)

Friday:  Homemade healthy pizza

Saturday:  Take out with friends

This week I am trying to use up items I have here at the house.  I should just have to buy pizza dough and salmon. 

I ALWAYS MAKE EXTRA PROTEIN for me and extra protein and starch for my husband.  Before we put the food up I pack our lunch for the next day.  I usually triple the amount of the chicken I grill so we can use it all week for lunches or emergency dinners.

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We had a great weekend.  Little bit of this and a little bit of that but not to much of anything.  I am rested and ready for a new week.  My work and responsibilities provide a structure of how my week will play out  time wise but what I eat, when I exercise, and the choices I make are mine to make minute by minute.  Planning makes my choices easier.

I plan my food.  I prepare it, I measure and package it so that when I need to run out the door it is ready to go.  I do not want to be  caught with nothing healthy to eat and a decision to make when I am tired and hungry.   When I am cleaning up dinner and putting away the food I package my lunch right then.  Everything is out and then at 5:00 a.m. the next morning I just grab my bag and go.

I plan my high calorie meals or desserts.  If I want to eat things that are costly in my calorie bank,  I plan for it all day long.  I am not going to eat things and feel guilty and the only way to do that is to plan it and sacrifice during the day.  Most Friday nights I make homemade pizza.  I eat very light all day Friday and never ever have one moment of guilt while I am eating my pizza.   It is not cheating for me, I plan it and enjoy it.

I plan my exercise for the week.  I tell people that if you plan for five days of exercise you will probably get in four.  A child gets sick, you have to run to the dentist,  you get tied up at work, the list of things that can mess with you plan is endless.  They are not excuses–they are life, so I plan for the unexpected and give myself room for life to get in the way.  If I can’t find five times a week to exercise then I look at my schedule and adjust it.

I plan my sleep.  Getting up at 4:00 a.m. consistently can take its toll on your body and your spirit if you do not get enough rest.   Keith pointed out I was getting grouchy on Thursday so I am adjusting my schedule, training people later on Wednesday morning and going in later to exercise.  If you notice, I am still exercising, I just adjusted my schedule.   I TVO programs that I like that come on to late for me.

Studies show that people who do not get enough sleep gain weight and have a hard time losing weight.  Sleep is so important. 

I plan me time.  Tonight I am going down to The Cook’s Warehouse to take a cooking class.  I am the only one in my family who cooks and I am tired of the things I cook so I am going to take classes that will help me fix new things and educate me.  I love cooking, it is my thing, and I am going to expand my skills. 

If I can’t find time to exercise, cook, and sleep my priorities are out of whack, I access and adjust my schedule.

Planning gives me confidence in my choices.  Do you have a plan for your eating, exercise, sleep and me time?

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Really Ruthie?

Figuring life out one day at a time...


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